The J-2534 regulations required manufacturers to make programming available for emissions related controllers starting in the 2004 model year. When a module can cost in excess of $1000 this becomes an issue. Some modules turn into a brick, or paper weight, when a programming event fails.

This recovery aspect cannot be said about some other manufacturers. What I mean by this, and can be very important, is that if a module fails to program correctly it can usually be recovered. Finally, Ford’s modules have historically been very forgiving. Third, the programming software, thank you Ford, in most cases is just like a child’s toy… just follow the instructions push the buttons. Second, the cost to program is relatively low. First, there are a lot of Ford programming opportunities. There are a few reasons I chose Ford for the first manufacturer to cover. This installment will cover Ford vehicles. Some will be easy and others will be a bit more challenging. Each of these OE’s have their similarities and differences.

From this point forward we will delve into individual manufacturers. In last month’s article we covered the basics of module programming.